Netherlandsworldwide.nl 是針對海外人士所設計的荷蘭政府聯絡平台,提供有關您在國外生活、工作、學習和旅行時可能需要的服務與資訊。如果您是希望在荷蘭生活、學習或工作的非荷蘭公民, 您可以在任何時段撥打 +31 247 247 247 或02-87587200(轉 1)
簽證申請、荷蘭公民融入考試以及台灣文件認證均由荷蘭在台辦事處預約處理。 辦事處亦為荷蘭居民與公民提供預約服務,並在緊急情況下擔任聯絡窗口。請至 Informatieservice 註冊以隨時掌握國外的(安全)情況,您也可以選擇於我們的辦事處註冊(僅提供荷蘭語注冊方式)。
預約荷蘭公民融入考試,請寫信至: tai-ca@nlot.org.tw.
For Dutch people abroad
For residency in the Netherlands
- A maximum of 100 applicants from Taiwan can participate in the WHP per year. To apply, choose application category “Working Holiday Program (WHP)” in the appointment system. Every month limited WHP timeslots are released. If you see the message “No date(s) available for appointment,” this means that all time slots are taken. You can try to schedule an appointment in the following month or the following section.
Every year from the 1st of April, WHP appointment timeslots will be released for registration. The registration process will be divided into 3 sections:
- The first section will run from 1st April to 31st October.
- The second section will run from 1st November to the end of February.
- The third section will release any remaining vacancies on 1st March.
Appointment system of the WHP timeslots will start to be released for registation at 14:30 of the first day of each section.
In the event of a holiday, the registration process will be postponed and resumed on our office first working day of the first month of each section.This process will repeat until the maximum quota of 100 is reached. - 若您對領事服務有任何疑問,請寫信至: tai-ca@nlot.org.tw.